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My toy code:
private static void WriteExcelBrandsList(BrandAndCodeRepository brandsRepository, Choice choice) { using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage()) { //Create the worksheet for each list foreach (var listName in brandsRepository.GetLists()) { ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(listName); ws.Cells["A1"].Value = "Brand"; ws.Cells["B1"].Value = "Fieldwork"; var brandAndCodes = brandsRepository.GetList(listName); int i = 2; foreach (var brandAndCode in brandAndCodes) { ws.Cells["A" + i].Value = brandAndCode.BrandId; ws.Cells["B" + i].Value = "2011-01"; i++; } } string fileName = string.Format("C:\\BrandLists_{0}_{1}.xlsx", choice.Category, choice.Locale); Console.Out.WriteLine("writing to fileName = {0}", fileName); pck.SaveAs(new FileInfo(fileName)); } }