Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pictures from HTML5tx October 8, 2011 Austin TX

This last Saturday the HTML5tx conference was in Austin.
The conference was very well organized with good food and good directions around the campus. An Open Space component was running simultaneously with the prepared sessions. To my surprise the Open Spaces were well attended.
To me the major theme of last week's Pablo's Fiesta and this week's HTML5 was "Regressive Enhancement"; with modernizr and pollyfills we can actually start using the features in HTML5 now, even in older browsers, yes Virginia, even in IE6.

Here's a few photos:
Opening session
Mike Taylor from Opera gave a talk on the HTML5 DOM and the associated IDL. I was impressed with Opera Dragonfly, a debugging environment shipped inside Opera.

Alex Sexton gave an excellent overview of modernizr and yepnope and the whole polyfill game.
HTML5 even has its own gang sign (Be sure to remember it if your caught in a dark alley between a gang of Ror guys and those PHP punks)
Estelle Weyl at www.standardista.com presented a very informative session on HTML5 forms.
(If you see her, be sure to wish her a happy Columbus day). Estelle showed how to style invalid input boxes with CSS. I liked her presentation format of using
We ended with a panel discussion
Mike Wilcox gave an interesting history of video on the web, including H.264 (based on Quicktime), MPEG/4, WebM. Some browsers support some video encoders natively, but no video format enjoys support from all browsers. Mike's solution? Upload your video to YouTube and let them figure all that out.

A few useful sites:
CanIUse.com Summary of browser features like HTML5, CSS3 and SVG
html5boilerplate.com examples of best practice in html5 and CSS
schema.org for schemas

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