Monday, July 13, 2015

Photos from Austin .Net Users Group July 13, 2015

David McCarter talked to 55 people about 10 things to do to improve your code. David has many years of experience so it was interesting to hear his thoughts.
His contacts:: website:, email:, twitter: @realdonetdave

His tips for writing good code:
* Layer your code. Typical layers: Data, Business, Communications, UI
* Design for occasional internet connection. Why can't I post on Facebook when I don't have a connection?
* Make your app faster. Cache long running reports, use cloud based region data centers. Make "chunky not chatty" calls over the net. (Visual Studio 2015 will make performance issue better)
* Most of your code should be in portable dlls. Only code in client app loads data and interacts with the user.
* Check out IntelliTests in VS 2015.
* 3 Pillars of Object Oriented Programming: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism
* Only application should log errors, not the dlls.
* Exceptions and Event Logging. His open source logging utility to fix the problems in .Net's trace logging: dotNetTips.Utility.Logging. Log Severity, Category, CLR version, free physical memory, virtual, OS.
* Internationalization string birthDate = p1.BirthDate.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
* Introduction to Localization and Globalization in .NET by Jeremy Clark on
* Store format string in Properties.Resources.UserInfoFormat "birthday:{0}, name: {1}"
* Use Strong Naming to prevent spoofing
* David Recommends CodeItRight which finds and fixes errors.
* Use code obsfication, but not the free microsoft one, but buy a commercial obsficator.
* Stop the copy and paste nightmare
* Use code analysis e.g., FXCop
* Use application profiling for memory and performance

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