Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Just Switched Electrical Providers to Our Energy LLC Using

In Texas we can choose our electrical provider. is a website to help consumers pick a provider, but it's very difficult to find which provider is the cheapest for me, since providers have a complex rate structure.  I did a previous blog post on choosing an electric provider.

I've found a great website,, which cuts through all the weird pricing structures and shows the best rate for your usage.  The service costs $10, but it saved me $150 for the next year. said my cheapest option was Our Energy LLC, so I switched.   I had not heard of them before,  but will let you know how they work out.

Be careful not to just continue with your "current" provider when your time is up.  I think they are tempted to offer you a decent plan, but not the best, since it's such a hassle to change.  When I called my provider, and said that I had found a better rate, they offered me a better rate plan than what was mailed to me to renew. 

Here's my results from


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