Monday, March 14, 2011

Austin's Microsoft WebMatrix to ASP.NET MVC Web Camp

Last Monday Scott Hanselmann and Jonathan Carter presented a seminar some new Microsoft technologies to a packed, standing-room-only crowd.crowd
I love Scott's podcasting so I was eager to hear him in person and I was not disappointed. Although the technical details were sometimes dry, Scott's personality and the banter with Jonathan were fun. Scott has the rare ability to be very technical and yet sociable.
Especially humorous were the Windows7 popups declaring, "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting."
My jumbled notes:
  1. The emerging standard with jQuery is to present metadata about an xml element as attributes prepending "data-" so jQuery can easily pluck it off the element with the "data" function.
    ... data-xvalue="30.0" ... $('xvalue')
  2. Modernizr is a package to help simplify writing javascript for older browsers.
  3. preface fiddler's url with "ipv4.fiddler" to use in a browser.
  4. elmah is a usefullogging framework supported by nuget. See
  5. VS2010 now has a Package Manager
  6. PM>Install-Package AddMVC3ToWebForms
  7. WebActivator
  8. PackageMangerConsole has MVC Scaffolding
  9. PM>Scaffold Controller Post
  10. Linq to SQL is now complete. No new features planned. The future is Entity Framework.
  11. Web Platform INstaller
  12. Razor is a minimalist templating framework. Viewbag is dynamic.

Scott and Jonathon made the day fun, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking, "with all this new technology the .Net community is now only five years behind those cool Ruby-on-Rails kids."

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