Tuesday, September 03, 2019

In Windows 10 the Desktop Window Manager is using 100% of the GPU

Sometimes my Windows 10 machine would get incredibly slow.  Even the cursor would start lagging behind.
Looking at the performance monitor I could see that "Desktop Window Manager" was using 100% of my gpu. 

The solution for me was to do this:
On the desktop in empty space, right-click and select "display settings". Make sure all displays and their "scale and layout" are of a 100% size. My issue was out of my three displays, my laptop display had 125% scaling on it. When I switched it to 100% the GPA went back to normal.

1 comment:

Mitch Fincher said...

I've also found that closing the laptop screen stops the 100% GPU issue. After a while it starts again, and I open the laptop screen, and it stops ... for a while.