Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tips on Downsizing or How to Throw Stuff Away

 I went to a seminar on how to get rid of all your extra stuff, kinda like Maria Kondo.

Here's the tips I learned:

1. Whenever you buy something, throw something else away.

2. Distribute legacy items now. Don't wait until later to give your kids your grandparents heirlooms and jewelry.

3. But, don't give family heirlooms to people who don't want them.

4. Donate, Donate, Donate - just get rid of all that stuff in your house.

5. Go thru your pantry and throw away expired food. Food started having expiration dates in 1984, so if an item has not expiration date, throw it away.

6. NOK - stands for Next of Kin. Have a folder with all the information for the people you leave behind with all the info they need - names of lawyers, accountants, brokers. And be sure to tell multiple people where that folder is. And where your will is.

7. You can donate art supplies to places like the Austin Creative Reuse organization.

8. Label all your keys.

9. List of friends to invite to your funeral.

10. Nobody wants your stuff - like this trophy from Toastmasters from 1983. Just take a picture of it, tell your family about it, and donate it so it can be disassembled and reused now.

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